Our know-how in the vineyard

In the Guillaman vineyards, sustainable viticultural practices are at the heart of our philosophy.

We are firmly committed to respecting our environment and preserving the health of our soils.

To do this, we have implemented alternative methods:

the vine branches are crushed on site to be returned as natural organic fertilizer.

alternative grass cover between the vine rows promotes biodiversity, contributes to the natural regulation of pests, and reduces erosion.

Alternative mechanical tillage of the soil limits evaporation, improves aeration and the physical structure of the soil by promoting biological activity and soil life.

Every year we plant field beans throughout our vineyard.
True green fertilizers, they naturally increase soil fertility, promote biological activity in the soil while limiting erosion, always in perfect symbiosis with our biodiversity reservoir: bees, hares, deer, ladybugs, etc.

We use biocontrol products recognized as a key alternative to conventional phytosanitary products and as one of the pillars of agroecology.

We have been using these products for more than 5 campaigns with the containment technique, called recovery panels, thus reducing the quantities by almost 50%, without dispersion in the environment.

Leaf stripping is an essential step to ensure a good leaf surface and thus guarantee that each bunch benefits from the ideal amount of sun and air allowing optimal ripening of the grapes.

Bi-weekly monitoring of the maturity of each grape variety per plot is a task that we carry out meticulously: this allows us to harvest each grape variety at its full aromatic potential. Between the beginning of September for early grape varieties until the beginning of November for our late harvests.

FIND US Visit us at the winery: Lieu-dit Guillaman 32330 Gondrin FRANCE Contact us: +33 (0)5 62 29 13 82 contact@domaine-guillaman.fr

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