Our know-how in the cellar

At Guillaman cellar, our commitment to sustainability extends well beyond the vines.

In recent years, significant investments have been made to modernize our facilities and ultimately reduce our environmental footprint.

One of our latest notable achievements is the installation of 1600m2 of solar panels which currently cover 75% of our energy consumption.

In addition, we have set up a rainwater recovery system to preserve this precious resource.

Every drop counts, and we strive to minimize our impact on the environment by reusing as much as possible. We use less than a liter of water to produce a liter of wine, when the national average is over two liters.

Our long-term goal is to achieve energy self-sufficiency.

In our winemaking process, we use nitrogen, a gas present at 78% in the ambient air, neutral for the wine, as a vector of protection during key stages such as pressing, racking or during our wine bottling.

We favor filtration without adding stabilizing products and without generating waste by using tangential filtration of our wines.

Our wines are stabilized and stored in insulated tanks at less than 6°C until they are bottled.

We are equipped with a bottling line on the estate, ensuring maximum responsiveness and flexibility for order preparation.

The thermoregulated storage cellar allows nearly 100,000 bottles to be stored at less than 15°C all year round.

FIND US Visit us at the winery: Lieu-dit Guillaman 32330 Gondrin FRANCE Contact us: +33 (0)5 62 29 13 82 contact@domaine-guillaman.fr

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